Big Trip 2: Special Delivery , réalisé en 2022

It has been a year since Mic Mic and Oscar returned from their incredible adventure. And now, after a diabolical plan by Vulture to sabotage the delivery of the Grizzly cub to his opponent in the American presidential elections, Mic Mic, Oscar, Panda teenager and Stork set off on another great adventure as they ride a zeppelin to return little Grizzly to its' rightful parents, save the American elections and the whole continent from the erupting volcano.
Date de sortie en France :

Big Trip 2: Special Delivery
Moyenne : 0.0 pour 0 vote
Ce film fait partie de la saga Big Trip

Les 3 releases sous-titrée

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  • Formats disponibles :
  Team Release Dernier fichier Qualité Fichiers
EVO Big.Trip.2.Special.Delivery.2022.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-EVO 0 fichier
HDEX Big.Trip.2.Special.Delivery.2022.720p.BluRay.x264-HDEX 0 fichier
HDEX Big.Trip.2.Special.Delivery.2022.1080p.BluRay.x264-HDEX 0 fichier

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